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      Denham Oaks Needs You!

     Thank you for your interest in volunteering at DOES. Volunteering is not only very rewarding, but a lot of fun too!

Before volunteering for any school function, you must first be cleared by a Pasco County background check. The Pasco County School District requires potential volunteers to annually submit an on-line form. Once your status as a volunteer is approved you will receive an email confirmation from Pasco County, and the school will receive notification as well. 

When you volunteer at Denham Oaks during the school day, please check in at the front office. You will be given a badge to wear which will identify you as an approved volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Classroom Volunteers:  Classroom volunteers are needed for tasks such as organizing folders and helping children in small groups. Contact your child's teacher to learn more about specific opportunities.

  • Media Center:  Assist our Media Specialist with various tasks such as booking inventory and checking out books.

  • Physical Education:  Assist the P.E. coaches during the day.Cafeteria: Help children with their lunch such as guiding them through the lunch line, opening food packages and collecting trash.

  • Vision/Hearing Screening: Assist our school nurse and speech pathologist with various screenings.

  • Grandparent’s Luncheon:  Help sign in grandparents and assist during their lunch with grandchildren.

  • Book Fair: Help students select books.

  • Field Trip Chaperone: Assist your child’s teacher during off campus activities.


PTA Committees and Events

  • Fundraising: This committee plans the promotions and prize distributions for our fundraisers.

  • Holiday Shop:  This committee helps with our annual Holiday Shop,Dec. 12 - 16. The Holiday Shop is an opportunity for children to purchase trinkets to give as holiday gifts for friends and family. Volunteers are needed to help set up the shop in advance, as well as work day time shifts between 10 am and 3 pm.

  • Hospitality: This committee helps plan the monthly Denham Oaks Student of the Month breakfasts on Fridays, which includes purchasing food and assisting with student celebrations.

  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation:This committee helps with events and activities to show support for Denham Oaks teachers and staff, including holiday celebrations and Staff Appreciation Week May 7 - 11, 2018.

  • Contact us for more information about volunteering!

© 2017 by Denham Oaks PTA. Proudly created with

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